Successfully Completing A Business Graduate Degree Program While Working Full-Time

19 April 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


Working a full-time job while also completing a graduate business degree program might sound like a recipe for disaster to some. However, for those equipped with the right tools, this challenge is one that can easily and successfully be conquered.

Create A Vision Board

You don't just wake up one day and decide you want to earn a graduate degree just for fun. You have some type of goal in mind, or an end game. The road to completion will at times seem to be more than you can manage, but having a vision board can keep you focused on your goal.

When you feel like giving up, you can glance at your vision board and get the boost of motivation you need to keep going. Within your vision board, include details about what you plan to achieve after completing your program, such as a new position. You can also include details about what you plan to do after you earn your degree, such as purchase a new home. All of this can help you keep going.

Plan Early

Make sure you are planning for the unexpected. Setting aside time to plan for your educational journey before you actually begin can set you on the right track. Take time off from work, for example. It wouldn't be wise to wastefully use up all your vacation time just before starting school.

In the event you have a large project due for class or you need a long study session, having available PTO affords you the opportunity to easily take a day off from work so that you can focus on school should an emergency come up.  

Be Realistic

Don't set yourself up for failure with an unrealistic goal. While a little hard work won't hurt anyone, too much hard work is often the quickest route to failure. Consider your professional role and your responsibilities before starting a new program. For example, if the summer is a busy season for you at work, full of long meetings and project requests, it might not make sense to start your program right in the middle of this period.

Waiting until after the summer would likely be a smarter choice. Make sure you are setting goals that you can actually achieve without stressing yourself out.

While it will take some dedication on your part, you can successfully navigate a business graduate program and a full-time role. Make sure you are ready for the challenge.